Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Things to do while we wait

So, I have mentioned the wait in earlier posts - and I got to thinking about how much time we have left before we go get Leah. It could be a year from now and hopefully no more - but who knows?? As many know, I like to make lists and get things done - so here's my list of things to do before the baby comes.

1 - clean out all of my closets (yeah, right)
2 - catch up on putting all pictures in photo albumns - I'm only 3 or so years behind
3 - finish Leah's room - put up crib, etc
4 - read more about China and their culture, history, etc
5 - read more about adoption and attachment
6 - oh yeah, exercise more
7 - redecorate our master bedroom

That's all for now -and I guess you could say - "good thing it's probably a year away!" it may take me that long to get all that done - but nope, the wait is not a good thing - we want to go get her today! All this stuff dosen't really matter!

more later!!!

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