Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pretty Dog

We have the best looking dog there ever has been. Of course, Vince says I have on my Mommy goggles - but I don't know - He's pretty darn cute.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Talking about Leah

It's funny, we all talk about Leah as if she is already here. The wait is just so hard. Tonight at dinner Guy said, "I wonder if Leah will like soccer?" Good question - we can't wait to find out. Her room is about half ready - it's painted and I have her bedding - just need to put up the crib and do the finishing decorating touches. Vince doesn't know this yet, but I'm going to put a little chandelier in her room - Why not?, I say.

So, we'll just continue to wonder about things like if she will like to play soccer, what she will look like, what will she think of Armstrong, what kind of food she will like, etc, etc.

Here's to hoping for speedier referrals.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We are through the REVIEW ROOM!!!

A time to celebrate! The CCAA has passed our dossier on to the matching room. So, that means that they have officially approved us to adopt a little girl from their country. We didn't think there would be a problem - there were no arrests in our background (or at least none that showed up on Vince's record - just kidding) and we don't have any health issues - but it is one more hurdle that we have jumped.

Now - we keep saying, come on referrals!! I am really hoping that things are speeding up - they have about 4 months of Log in Dates to get through before ours which is 12-9-05. I am really hoping that we will be getting our referral in March or April and will travel May or June - at the latest maybe travel in Aug or Sept - but of course the sooner the better!

My friend Annie said hearing this news was like feeling the baby kick for the very first time- and that is a really good analogy. We kind of think - "maybe this is really going to happen after all!"

I'll post more news soon!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

It's been 9 months, WHERE'S MY BABY???

Yesterday, 9/9/2006 was officially 9 months since our LID - Log in Date (our paperwork registered in China). Right now, our dossier is in the review room - they just finished reviewing Nov 2005 dossiers. So, this had me thinking - at 9 months, I had the boys - no more waiting. Not so now - my patience is being tested - and let me tell you, this is one very anticpated little girl.

I keep saying I hope they speed things up - maybe they will this month! More to come soon!


Monday, August 28, 2006

More referrals - only to July 22

Well, here you have it - they only matched 9 days this month. I keep hoping that things will speed up soon - they just have to.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Pictures Promised

Here they are! My cuties and some pics from our beach trip and our San Diego trip.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Speed of Summer

You've heard about saying something went by so fast it went by at the "speed of light" - well, I saw this phrase on someone else's blog - The Speed of Summer - b/c the summer has absolutely FLOWN by - it seems like it was just yesterday that the kids were out of school - and here we are - about two weeks before school starts - so - The speed of summer - now that's fast.

To catch up - we had some wonderful trips - we went to the beach (Wild Dunes in Charleston) 4th of July weekend - I'll post some pics - and we had swim team, Grant had T-ball and then we also went to San Diego. All that could make your head spin - now we have 2 weeks to do nothing - yeah!

The beach was a great trip - we met our good friends the K's and the D's. Our kids are all about the same age and our kids had a great time hangin with their buds all day on the beach. Here's some pics of the cuties.

Also, I've posted a pic of Guy and Grant staring off in to the ocean - maybe thinking about their baby sister in China? or maybe just thinking - or maybe thinking about how they can get on each other's nerves? I choose to believe they are thinking about Leah!

I'll post the pics later - seems blogger is having some issues - are maybe it is just me - I'll post them in the next post.
more later!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Look at these shoes!!

Aunt Diane went to Disney World and brought Leah back the cutest pair of Cinderella shoes! They are adorable and I know Leah will love them. They are proudly displayed on Leah's dresser (along with the Pink Furby that the boys got at Burger King this week) - by the time she gets here, we won't have any more room left in her room!

Anyway, these "glass" slippers are awesome and girly and perfect - thank you Aunt Diane!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I live by dates

For all those wondering how I know (or don't know) when we will get our referral, the CCAA - China Center for Adoption Affairs, posts where they are in the referral process. We all live and breath by these numbers - "when will we be matched." As you can see, dossiers that were logged in prior to Oct 31, 2005 have now made it through the review room and documents with Log in Dates June 28th, 2005 and before have their referrals - so, you ask - what does all this mean? Here's a brief explanation:

Paperchase - all of the paperwork (homestudy, birth and marriage certificates, police clearances, doctor notices, etc, etc) has to be notarized and authenticated at the state and federal level - and then with the Chinese embassy. We started our paperchase in June 2005.

DTC - Dossier to China - we were DTC (completed paperwork) the Monday before Thanksgiving - Nov 21, 2005.

LID - Log in Date - our Dossier is officially logged in to the CCAA on Dec 9, 2005.

Referral - when we get matched and get a picture of Leah - we'll most likely get some information like her current height and weight, where she was found, how old she is, etc.

TA - Travel Approval - once we accept the referral, we then wait for TA - usually around 6 weeks or so after referral.

So, as you can see, I live by dates. There is a small glimmer of hope this month because they matched 2 weeks of LID's. We hope hope hope things are speeding up. I've heard that July, Aug and Sept are smaller months (less LID's) but that Oct and or Nov are HUGE. So, I just continue to pray that they continue to speed up.

To explain the process of where our Dossier is right now - we are most likey in the Review Room. You'll notice that they have completed the review of documents with LID's of Oct. So, they are most definitely working on Nov now - and I've heard that a couple of people with Dec LID's have been asked some additional questions. Supposedly if something doesn't translate correctly, they will ask your agency some additional questions, or if they need clarification on something like health issues, etc they will ask. So, that is our next big hurdle, I'll breath a sigh of relief when our dossier is through there - and in the Matching Room!

The Matching room is where they actually have a stack of baby files and a stack of dossiers and match - it's a bit of a mystery in how they match - but everyone always says that you end up getting the exact right baby for your family. That is where I believe (as many others have said) that God has his hand in the matching - we know Leah is there - and we'll get matched with her!

More to come!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Lady Bug Siting

The ladybug is a symbol of luck in the China adoption community. You hear of ladybug sitings, signs, etc. Well, I had a ladybug siting today! I saw one on the windshield of my car this morning. Could it be that Leah is being born around now? June 29, 2006 - will that be her birthday? or maybe June some time? Just wanted to make a note of it so I don't forget. We are hoping that things are speeding up a bit with referrals - they matched a lot more dates this month than they have in the past - maybe it really will be around 12-13 months and we'll get our referral in Dec/Jan and travel in Feb/Mar. Maybe, maybe not - hard to get my hopes up - but trying to be positive!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Our Red Thread

I will be using this blog to record some of my feelings and will save it as a journal of sorts to share with Leah when she gets older. As the top of our blog mentions - there is a chinese belief that there is an invisible red thread that connects a child with people who are important to them.

I totally buy in to this - we have felt a pull to Leah since last summer. She is a huge part of our lives already - even though she may not even have been born yet. When Vince and I went to the adoption seminar in May of 2005 with our agency to find out more about adoption - they talked about Russia, Guatemala, etc - but all we were interested in was China. We hadn't totally made the decision to adopt at that seminar, but China was the only country we even considered.

When we were answering the questions for our homestudy, there was a question about why we chose China. It was interesting to try to answer that question - and I know it sounds wierd - but it's like we just knew that China was where our daughter was. So, I had to think about how to answer the question - other than just - 'cause that's what we are supposed to do - or 'cause that's where our daughter is. China is a country rich in culture and heritage, and we admire and respect where our daughter will come from. But talking about the red thread - we've felt it all along in a very powerful way.

I found out last week that a family I know of that was planning on adopting from China has now switched to the Guatemala program b/c the China wait has gotten so long. I think that is wonderful for them and I am very happy that they are doing what is right for their family. Having said that, for Vince and I, we could never imagine switching countries - because of the reasons I mentioned earlier - our Red Thread. I saw a t-shirt on someone's website that said - Why China? Because that's where my daughter is. - that about sums it up! I need to get that shirt!

Speaking of shirts - I found a t-shirt that has the word BABY and an arrow and then a picure of the country of China - it's a really cute shirt - it's my maternity shirt!

I'll post more later!

Things to do while we wait

So, I have mentioned the wait in earlier posts - and I got to thinking about how much time we have left before we go get Leah. It could be a year from now and hopefully no more - but who knows?? As many know, I like to make lists and get things done - so here's my list of things to do before the baby comes.

1 - clean out all of my closets (yeah, right)
2 - catch up on putting all pictures in photo albumns - I'm only 3 or so years behind
3 - finish Leah's room - put up crib, etc
4 - read more about China and their culture, history, etc
5 - read more about adoption and attachment
6 - oh yeah, exercise more
7 - redecorate our master bedroom

That's all for now -and I guess you could say - "good thing it's probably a year away!" it may take me that long to get all that done - but nope, the wait is not a good thing - we want to go get her today! All this stuff dosen't really matter!

more later!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Some pics

I took a couple of pictures just now - of the flag shirt, Leah's closet and her bedding. The bedding is way prettier in person - but thought I would show it anyway. We'll be getting started on her room soon - putting the crib up, curtains, etc. I'll post pics when we get done.

More later!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

4th of July, 2008???

Well, I finally broke down and bought little Leah something today. It's the cutest little shirt you have ever seen - I got it at Old Navy - and it has ruffles on the front and it looks like an American Flag. I'll take a picture of it and post it when I can. I have not really bought anything yet, because it just feels like it is so far off when we will be able to go get her. So, my hope is that she will be home with us by July 4th of 2008!

I have a TON of clothes that my friend Lori has given me - she has 2 girls the same age as Guy and Grant - and just had a boy - so I gave her all of my boy stuff and she gave me all of her girl stuff. Let me just say, she got the raw end of that deal. First, those clothes went through 2 BOYS who are ruff and tumble and could care less about clothes. (needless to say, much got thrown out before it even got to her). Second, boy clothes just aren't as exciting as girl clothes - so you don't buy as many - and the stuff you get at Old Navy and Gap is great for boys since they tend to detroy things. (THANK YOU AGAIN LORI!!!!)

Needless to say, the clothes she gave me are awesome and some of the prettiest little girl clothes I have ever seen. Her girls are very nicely dressed little girls. So, here we are in Matthews, NC - waiting for a little girl who is either about to be born, or already born in China- and she has a closet FULL of clothes - I mean, you can't put another thing in her closet.

I recently had a "girl's weekend" at my house - we take turns having it at each other's house and we kick our families out. (Vince and the boys had a great "boys weekend" in Columbia with Maw Maw) When I was cleaning and straightening, I had no problem creating plenty of space in the boys closets for my friends to hang their clothes - like half the closet is available - but alas, no room in Leah's closet. How sad is that! Well, that's just the way it will have to be - she is a girl and she has a Mom who is a girlie girl and loves clothes and shoes - so, she will always have plenty of clothes and shoes.

More later!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Wait

Well, things seem to keep slowing down. At the beginning of this process I thought that we would have our referral (pic of our baby) by now and we would be traveling by July or August. Our Log in Date (LID) is 12-9-05 - and the have just referred babies for families with LID up to 6-6-06. So, they are pretty far off from December right now. I really hope that things speed up.

I know that there is a grand plan and I need to stop worrying about "my time table" and think more about God's time table. This whole experience is teaching me about patience and trust.

I don't know if Leah has been born yet or not - we continue to pray for her and talk about her - and we all are very excited - I think I am the most impatient of the family - so the wait is harder on me. Again, lessons to be learned from this whole process -faith and patience.

I know we'll get the baby we're supposed to - that the time will be right, etc. I do continue to pray for the CCAA that they will speed up matching.

Leah's nursery is now painted a pretty color of green and her ceiling is light pink (got to have some pink!) - the bedding and crib stuff is a pink and green bunny toile - (from PB Kids) - I love it and can't wait to finish getting the room together.

Maybe I'll just spend this time shopping for clothes and things for the room!

Hurry up Leah!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Word Cloud

Here's a word cloud - you log on to a web site and put your blog address in and it creates this - thought it was cute!

One Child Policy

Here's a good overview of the One Child Policy in China -
It tells when and why it was established - but it seems that there is now a push for having more respect for women - I'll post a picture of a billboard that I found on the web. I think the push is great - but hard to turn around hundreds of years of tradition.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Paper Pregnant

We are what they call "paper pregnant" right now. After many many months of paperwork, lots and lots of paperwork, we are done with what they said was the hard part. Well, little did we know that the paperwork was actually easier than the WAIT!

Here's a funny picture - since we are expecting a baby girl some time - this is our ultrasound picture! Ha Ha!

Our Family

Our family consists right now of Melanie, Vince, Guy (age 9) and Grant (age 6) - and of course Armstrong (2 - our 90lb Golden Retriever). We are very excited to add to our family - a very special little girl from China. We can't wait to go get her and she will be named Leah. Her middle name will be her Chinese name most likely. Grant says that we can hardly wait to see her - and pictures of her. Guy says that he can't wait to hold his baby sister. The boys are very excited.

Join us as we wait for Leah!

This blog is set up so that the Payne family can report on our wait for our baby girl from China. We are LID 12/9/2005 (that's Log in Date of our paperwork in China). The current wait for referral (a picture of our baby girl) is around 12 months. We hope it does not get much longer. That puts us in China some time at the beginning of next year. More to come as I learn how to work this blog!