Sunday, June 04, 2006

4th of July, 2008???

Well, I finally broke down and bought little Leah something today. It's the cutest little shirt you have ever seen - I got it at Old Navy - and it has ruffles on the front and it looks like an American Flag. I'll take a picture of it and post it when I can. I have not really bought anything yet, because it just feels like it is so far off when we will be able to go get her. So, my hope is that she will be home with us by July 4th of 2008!

I have a TON of clothes that my friend Lori has given me - she has 2 girls the same age as Guy and Grant - and just had a boy - so I gave her all of my boy stuff and she gave me all of her girl stuff. Let me just say, she got the raw end of that deal. First, those clothes went through 2 BOYS who are ruff and tumble and could care less about clothes. (needless to say, much got thrown out before it even got to her). Second, boy clothes just aren't as exciting as girl clothes - so you don't buy as many - and the stuff you get at Old Navy and Gap is great for boys since they tend to detroy things. (THANK YOU AGAIN LORI!!!!)

Needless to say, the clothes she gave me are awesome and some of the prettiest little girl clothes I have ever seen. Her girls are very nicely dressed little girls. So, here we are in Matthews, NC - waiting for a little girl who is either about to be born, or already born in China- and she has a closet FULL of clothes - I mean, you can't put another thing in her closet.

I recently had a "girl's weekend" at my house - we take turns having it at each other's house and we kick our families out. (Vince and the boys had a great "boys weekend" in Columbia with Maw Maw) When I was cleaning and straightening, I had no problem creating plenty of space in the boys closets for my friends to hang their clothes - like half the closet is available - but alas, no room in Leah's closet. How sad is that! Well, that's just the way it will have to be - she is a girl and she has a Mom who is a girlie girl and loves clothes and shoes - so, she will always have plenty of clothes and shoes.

More later!

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